Camberley leads the way in retail innovation with The Square set to be home of UKs first 5G-enabled shopping centre

The Square Camberley is set to become the UKs first ever 5G-enabled shopping centre, opening the doors to a new way of shopping with virtual and augmented reality.
As part of the B2B initiative, the joint venture will see The Squares landlord, Surrey Heath Borough Council (SHBC) and Huawei UK, work alongside the University of Surreys 5G Innovation centre.
The announcement comes shortly after Ofcom, the UK regulator, recently confirmed the new 5G network fell well within safety limits following safety tests of 5G base stations 1.
The roll-out of the new 5G mobile network claims to provide more efficient interconnectivity, alongside faster data transfers. SHBC and key partners will now work together to explore and research how the new and innovative technology could transform the experiences and opportunities to both The Squares shoppers and retailers.
Councillor Alan McClafferty,Leader of Surrey Heath Borough Council said: This announcement cements the Councils plans to bring retail innovation to Camberley and complements the regeneration projects already underway. We are delighted to bring together leading technology experts to explore this unique opportunity in Surrey Heath, allowing retailers and technologists to trial 5G in a live environment.
Regius Professor Rahim Tafazolli, Director and Founder of the 5G Innovation Centre at the University of Surrey said: By providing the cutting-edge technology for the UKs first fully 5G-enabled shopping centre, we will give Camberleys retailers a head-start in the race to transform retail for the future. 5G is not just faster phone technology it opens a completely new world of ultra-reliable, always-on ways of transforming a connected world of retail.
Shoppers and businesses alike can benefit from better shopping experiences and smarter ways of blending offline and online to breathe fresh life into the high street and drive future retail profitability.
Jerry Wang, CEO, Huawei UK said: As world leaders in 5G technology we are excited to be working on such a prominent showcase of 5G technology. 5G will open the door for virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and tailored in-store signage and entertainment experiences. It will also allow greater control over how stock levels and the supply chain is managed, improve customer insights and in-store experience for customers when they are shopping.
Rhoda Joseph, General Manager at The Square Camberley, said: Its important to continue to keep up to date with the latest technology innovations and how VR and AR can transform the current bricks and mortar shopping experience. Were therefore delighted to be working alongside leading technology experts to explore how The Square can potentially revolutionise the shopping centre landscape and set the benchmark for other centres to follow.
SHBC will consider investment opportunities as this unique project progresses. As always, feedback from residents and local businesses will be welcome.
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