New board game café delivers a winning combination at The Square, Camberley

Today sees the opening of a business at The Square, Camberley. ‘Of Dice and Men’ is an innovative social initiative, combining the fun of board games with refreshments and snacks. Board games have seen a resurgence following the first lockdown back in March 2020 with a market growth of 23% stimulated by a renewed love of the fun and escapism traditional and new board games offer.
Owner Kieran Adams, 23, shares a passion for café culture and board games. The ‘Of Dice and Men’ café successfully combines the two, providing customers with a new leisure experience along with a bonus wellbeing boost.
Research suggests there are many health benefits linked to board games. Including helping individuals to relax and reduce stress, they also support the retention of dexterity, memory skills and cognitive associations proved to be key in reducing the risk of the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s. There are many early learning skills to be gained through family play as well as general life skills such as waiting your turn and following rules. Beatrice Tauber Prior, a clinical psychologist and author says “strategy games for older children help develop the frontal lobes. This is where executive function skills like planning, organising and making good decisions reside.” Prior also comments that they can help lengthen attention span whilst overriding the distraction of mobile phones and digital games, encouraging siblings to work together or to meet new friends in person.
The café brings a space to The Square, in Sparvell Way, where people can enjoy meeting new and old friends safely, learn new games as well as playing old favourites and with over 200 there is something for everyone. Staff will also help with setting up a game and establishing rules of play. Unfinished games will even be photographed and set up for players next visit!
The Café will be open Tuesday – Friday 12- 11pm, Saturday 10am-11pm and Sundays 12 – 11pm, serving a selection of hot and cold drinks and snacks to keep players replenished. A 3-hour session is £6 per person and there are plans to host sessions for those in the community who are suffering from age-related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s or Dementia, along with their carers to play games of a bygone era to help aid memory stimulation. There will also be the opportunity to book a private area to host a small child’s party, group of friends or even a team building event, similar cafes are also reporting being popular as a first date venue!
To reserve a table please visit: or call 01276 423120.
For more information and details of future events at The Square visit