Surrey Heath Borough Council supporting the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower initiative in Camberley town centre and across Surrey Heath.

Surrey Heath Borough Council (SHBC) is promoting the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower to support and raise awareness of those living with a hidden disability.

Our COVID Ambassadors who are out and about in Camberley every day will be handing out the Sunflower lanyards to people who need them and they will also be available from the Customer Service Desk in The Square shopping centre.

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower is about supporting people with a hidden disability, making the invisible, visible and helping them attain the understanding, patience and assistance needed when going about their daily lives. 

Surrey Heath Portfolio Holder for Support and Safeguarding, Cllr Josephine Hawkins, said;

“Many people with a disability use or carry something – that might be a wheelchair, guide dog, hearing aid or white cane – these help to visibly indicate what the disability might be. But other disabilities, such as autism, dementia, mental health issues or learning difficulties, are not so obvious. Under the Hidden Disability Sunflower scheme, people with such disabilities can choose to wear a lanyard bearing a sunflower logo as a subtle way of letting others know that they may require additional support, assistance or a bit more time.  We are really pleased to be promoting this scheme in Surrey Heath.”

Paul White, CEO at Hidden Disabilities added: “We are excited to welcome Surrey Heath Borough Council to the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme. By adopting the Sunflower, Surrey Heath will be able to offer residents with a hidden disability the recognition, understanding and help they may need when out and about in Camberley town centre and across the Borough. The addition of Surrey Heath Borough Council helps raise awareness of the Sunflower throughout the area and we hope that other local authorities will follow Surrey Heath’s example in becoming Sunflower friendly councils.”

The Sunflower lanyards will also be available from the Council’s reception.

More about the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower exists to help those with disabilities that are not immediately obvious such as autism, chronic pain, dementia, anxiety, visual or hearing impairment. Their aim is to help make the invisible, visible. In the UK 1 in 5 people have a disability, 80% of these are hidden.

Wearing the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower discreetly indicates to people around the wearer including staff, colleagues and health professionals that they need additional support, help or a little more time. The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme was established in 2016. Since then it has been adopted globally by major airports and venues and in the UK, by many supermarkets, railway and coach stations, leisure facilities, the NHS, a number of police, fire and ambulance services, and an increasing number of small and large businesses and organisations.

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme is dedicated to helping businesses identify customers with a hidden disability. Details of how to join the scheme can be found here: is external)

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme Limited, previously owned by Tabbers Limited, is a private company. Both Tabbers and Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme are owned by Tabbers Holdings Limited. For further information please contact sends e-mail)